First Love
When I was a kid, I'd draw my favorite things. This piggy bank sits on a shelf in my kitchen; I've had since I was ten. I'd put my 5 cent pieces in it to save up for art and craft materials and I'd always rob it before it was anywhere near full (somethings never change!) then go to Goldings Handicrafts to buy beads, felt and paint. Its rubber stopper has long since perished, but that old bit of cheap china still hasn't lost it's charm for me. I've drawn ever since I could remember, and today, washing out my paintbrushes after a day's work, I still haven't forgotten that my first true love and talent still fills my piggybank.
Thanks for sharing that gorgeous childhood memory, Fi! (thinks: that could be a great theme for a Facebook group - "A Few Of My Favourite Childhood Things" perhap? hmmm...)
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my....
We have piggy banks for the kids...we always raid them and put in iou notes..truly sad when the kids have more money than the parents....
word verification moor man...could very easily be poor man that would fit
I have nominated you for a blogging award you fab person
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