I saw this little video which I think is brilliant and it made me think about my facebook usage.
A friend said
'You must get the prize for the most status updates' like it was a bad thing.
I've had my times where I want everyone to use fb like me and got cross when
they didn't and defriended them in a fit of annoyance figuring that if they only
use it once a week/month/year then they don't understand the medium and therefore
wouldn't care. I forgot about the lurkers. People who are there, but afraid of
posting anything about themselves in case Google runs away with it and plasters
them all over the internet (why care? I'd be flattered). Pictures of their
babies smiling could be vulnerable (why is this a problem unless they are
starkers and shown in some icky context). In case their privacy is invaded and
someone steals their identity (good luck with MY overdraft). These are people who also believe and repost all kinds of urban legends as truth. I like to check these out on www.snopes.com before I get outraged and then paranoid. It always pays to do a bit of research and then make up your own mind... or story (this is what writers do as a job).
I, on the other hand, am probably very naive and trusting.
Actually I'm not at all- I know a scam when I see one and you will never find
me in email conversation about money and goods with anyone from Nigeria. Oddly
enough, the only time I've been scammed was recently with a mannequin supplier
in Auckland. But let's not get into that- only to say, if you order online, it
pays to email or call the company first to see if they actually exist.
So back to my facebooking.
I signed up only because I needed photos of a girl band to
do an illustration for them and their best pics were on a private page. I was
very reluctant- I had my blog, that was enough, and before that, email and before
that faxes and before that, the phone and well, I have never known a life
without communication. But needs must and my kids showed me how and after
a week of throwing my hands in the air at all the notifications that came
through my email (just turn them off Mum, that's the first thing you do!) I got
jiggy with it (as Will Smith would say).
Over the past 3 years I have learned how to filter out ads,
unwanted Farmville invites, moaning minnies I can't be bothered reading about
and revel in the online community that makes me laugh, think and get into
action. I have my privacy controls set tight. I choose who I accept as fb
friends and share my world with (always people I actually have met in real
life) and I direct all other parties interested in my art but not my cat, to my public page.
I absolutely know that the FBI or any govt agency who wants
to, can access my profile. I think this is a good thing- it means that if I get
murdered and Benedict Cumberpatch is too busy, then the appropriate authorities
will be able to look for clues in my last status updates (there will be a LOT of
reading, they might need a team of six on it). And it charms me to think that
if my status updates suddenly stopped, people will wonder if I'm o.k- much like the little old lady who
hasn't been out to her letterbox in days. And they might start asking each
other if anyone has seen me- and get in touch with my family who can tell them
the what's so. I grew up with them all saying 'Shut up Fi!', it became the family joke.
I guess the day Fifi is quiet, is the day you all come and
weep with them at my funeral service. And I hope there will be lots of you - I want the
biggest send off so I can feel the love as I soar off into another realm.
I hope they have wifi there.
PS. If you are concerned about your online identity- then
get it verified with RealMe