There's something about spring isn't there? I'm not normally driven to scrubbing things, but in the last couple of weeks I've moved my studio space within the house, tossed out a lot of books I never look at (to make way for new ones I will), cleaned out the bottom of my wardrobe where odd things lurk, like shoes I will never wear (to make for new ones I will) AND cleaned the kitchen table. That last one might seem like nothing to you, but it is the hub of the house and therefore attracts everything from my sewing box, garden hose fittings, important community notices, our chef son's knife set AND a set of cat paw prints. The cat it seems walks all over it when we aren't looking. This is all in addition to crumbs, cups, plates and packets of cornflour. Sometimes it's just easier to read the paper and have a cup of tea in the lounge...
But September comes and October brings longer days, the promise of warmer weather and a great deal more light- which shows up ALL the clutter. The following is a poem I wrote some years ago for
Next Magazine as part of my regular column. It still rings true today though as I finish organising cupboards and filling plastic bags with things destined for the op shop, I am reminded that the once great tradition of garage sales have been replaced by
Trademe...though their fees are now so high and the profit margin therefore so marginal, it might all swing the other way. That would be nice. They were so much fun!
There's blossoms
on the cherry,
Yellow daffies in
the border,
And like a
squirrel storing nuts;
I have been a hoarder.
Useful things for
later use
Through winter I
did store,
But now my cache
is breaking free;
I cannot shut the
There's twenty
cans of spray paint,
All with one
burst left,
And my grand
attempt at weaving;
It warped but
never weft.
Paper bags from
fashion shops,
Complete with
visa chits,
Giftwrap saved
from birthdays past,
And bows with
curly bits.
There's baby gear
as well of course,
And though I've
done with that,
How can I throw
out one small sock,
Or a tiny fluffy
Still, with
summer ever looming,
Resolution must
not fail,
I'll gather
strength and sentiment,
For a mighty
garage sale!